Current Highlights

The Current Highlights section is a tool for easy access to all our latest information, updates, events, and news on nutrition, health, and innovation.

Through this section, we seek to provide a platform to better explain our production processes and the continuous improvements we make on ATRIAN products. Moreover, we also hope for you to be a part of this process.

Campi qui jugui, the childhood hall more bakery than ever.

We closed this 2019 collaborating with Campi Qui Jugui in the Hall of Children and Youth, which is celebrated in the city of Manresa during Christmas days. The 34th edition offers a space for recreational and recreational activities aimed at children in Central Catalonia, in which the cultural, historical and architectural heritage of the municipalities…

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Christmas Recipes

Christmas is one of the most special moments of the year. For that reason, in Atrian Bakers we want to help you to boost your sales with Christmas récipes so you can always offer  the best to your customers. These recipes are easy to prepare, but they all have a very special touch, and are…

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A campaign full of news. New proposals, sweet and salty but above all very tasty and come to delight all our customers.

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The selection now includes 6 new varieties of breads that are perfect for any time of the day.

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Atrian Bakers paying back to the society

We contribute our bit every month to make the afternoons sweeter for groups of people with few resources…

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The evident growth of ready-to-eat finished products has led us to focus our effort on increasing the instant pastry range…

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